President William Ruto has announced that Maize harvests will hit a record 70 million bags this year due to the government's subsidizing production by providing farmers with affordable fertilizer.

Speaking in Bungoma on Sunday, the Head of State said the conducive weather conditions, including sufficient rains and farmers’ hard work, have also contributed to the good harvests expected this season.

“God has given us good weather in the past two years. We will, therefore, have plenty of food this time round. The Ministry of Agriculture has forecast that maize harvests will be a record 70 million bags this year. This is part of our efforts to make the country food secure.”

Further, he highlighted that the development conversation among Kenyans in the country has changed to that of development.

“The conversation is now about development of schools, electricity connectivity and road construction, among others. It’s also no longer about ethnicity or religious differences.”

Similarly, he commended Kenyans for increasingly setting aside their political differences and interacting as brothers and sisters, saying this is a sense of patriotism.

“Our interaction and close working relationship shows the beauty in focusing on the greater good of the country.”

Meanwhile, President Ruto has reiterated his commitment to ensure that no part of Kenya is left behind in development.

The President said his administration will serve all Kenyans equally, regardless of how they voted in the last General Election.