For the seventh time, acting Inspector General of Police, Gilbert Masengeli, has ignored court summons regarding the abduction of three men in Kitengela.

During a court session on Monday, the state counsel representing Masengeli stated that the acting IG is currently occupied with operational duties in Wajir, making him unavailable for questioning.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Acting IG Masengeli

 Masengeli had requested an extension for the court appearance, citing official duties in Mombasa. However, his absence has continued to raise questions about his defiance of the court's authority.

Lawyer Nelson Havi, representing the petitioners, expressed frustration over the situation, questioning how long the court would tolerate Masengeli's refusal to comply with the summons. Havi urged the court to take strict measures, suggesting that Masengeli should face conviction and be removed from his position due to his ongoing disregard for legal orders.

PHOTO | COURTESY Lawyer Nelson Havi

Havi emphasized that the acting IG’s behavior indicated that he treated the office as his personal property. He pointed out that Masengeli had recently attended a concert, an event treated as a matter of national importance in Kenya, which further highlighted his disregard for the court's orders.

Faith Odhiambo, the president of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK), supported Havi's statements. She criticized Masengeli’s reasons for missing the court hearing, highlighting that he was seen socializing at the coast the previous week instead of fulfilling his legal obligations.

PHOTO | COURTESY LSK president Faith Odhiambo

Masengeli's court appearance was expected to address the disappearance of Jamil Longton, Aslam Longton, and activist Bob Njagi.

They were reportedly abducted on August 19, 2024, during protests in Kitengela, with allegations pointing toward police involvement in their disappearance.