In a surge of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, the phrase “very demure, very mindful” has captured the hearts and TikTok feeds of users everywhere this summer. Coined by TikTok creator Jools Lebron, the catchy mantra skyrocketed after she humorously described her hair and makeup. Now, as the phrase gains popularity online, Lebron is taking ambitious steps to secure trademark rights for her now-iconic expression.

In an official statement, Lebron's representatives confirmed that she has filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to trademark “very demure, very mindful” for various entertainment and advertising services, including beauty product promotions. This move reflects a growing trend of social media influencers turning viral fame into business opportunities. For Lebron—a transgender woman—the potential financial support from this venture could be crucial as she continues her transition.
The phrase “very demure” quickly became a symbol of a specific aesthetic, prompting a flood of user-generated content from both fans and celebrities. Yet, as is common with viral expressions, the pursuit of trademark protections has uncovered a complex legal landscape.

Experts explain that trademarking a viral phrase isn’t as simple as it seems. In the U.S., a trademark requires a commercial connection, meaning the phrase must be tied to the sale of goods or services. Law and media professor Alexandra J. Roberts notes that trademarks function as “source indicators,” helping consumers identify the creator behind a product. This becomes crucial when multiple parties, some unconnected to Lebron, file for similar trademarks, raising concerns among her supporters.
“The purpose of trademarks is to prevent consumer confusion,” said information science professor Casey Fiesler. With rivals attempting to capitalize on Lebron’s viral success, her community is rallying behind her, hoping she secures her rightful place as the originator of this cultural moment.

It’s important to differentiate between copyright and trademark in this context. While copyright protects unique creative works like TikTok videos, it doesn’t extend to short phrases—making trademark the key protection for creators like Lebron. The complexities of trademark law mean that similar phrases can be used by multiple entities in different contexts, creating high stakes for influencers.

Trademarks are only part of the puzzle when it comes to protecting creative works online. In recent years, concerns have grown over the appropriation of trends by those with more resources, especially trends initiated by marginalized creators. Roberts points out that young women of color, in particular, often see their ideas taken and monetized by others who can more easily navigate the legal system.

As Lebron moves through the trademark process, her status as a viral sensation gives her some advantages. While she is fourth in line among live applications, some competing filings may be withdrawn in her favor. Legal options include negotiating with other applicants or contesting their claims based on potential consumer confusion.
The trademark process can take anywhere from six months to over a year, but this moment highlights the evolving conversation around intellectual property and online creativity. Fans continue to joyfully echo Lebron’s phrase in their content, while remaining aware of the legal battle that could affect her ownership.
For now, Lebron can capitalize on her phrase through merchandise and other ventures, walking the line between casual use and brand establishment. As her story unfolds, the world watches with keen interest, captivated by the unique charm of “very demure, very mindful” and the intersection of social media stardom and trademark law.
Lebron’s quest for a trademark is not just a legal process—it’s a testament to the resilience and innovation of online creators in a world where their work can easily be fleeting. Her journey champions not only her own rights but also the rights of creators striving to make their mark in an ever-changing digital landscape.