Wairimu Kimani, a YouTuber and entrepreneur living in the US has apologized to Bishop Muthee Kiengei of the JCM Church and Dama popularly known as  Dama wa Spares Original.

Wairimu, the founder of the Goat Wives Club, expressed deep regret that her friend had leaked a video without considering the reputations of those involved. She also shared that she plans to take legal action against the friend who posted the audio on social media.

In her apology, Wairimu expressed deep sorrow to Bishop Muthee Kiengei over the leaked audio in which she discussed him with Damaris, also known as Dama. She admitted that she was at a loss for words to express how sorry she was for the pain caused. "I have prayed and asked God for forgiveness. While I apologized to you privately, I now apologize publicly because that's where I caused the most harm," she said.

Wairimu explained that women often share and confide in each other about things that hurt them, and her biggest mistake was trusting her friend too much. "She heartlessly hurt me and many others without considering the damage she was causing," Wairimu wrote in a heartfelt Facebook post.

She also shared that she has always kept sensitive information private, maintaining a good record of trustworthiness. In her apology to Bishop Muthee Kiengei, his wife, family, and the entire JCM Church, Wairimu emphasized that she never intended to damage their reputation or image. "I know I have caused a lot of pain to the Bishop and the members. I am taking full responsibility for my actions. I have asked God for forgiveness, and I am also asking for forgiveness from Dama, the Bishop, and the JCM Church," she said.

Wairimu also apologized to her fans, saying, "I am in the potter's hands, and He will mold me into the person He wants me to be. May the Lord bless you all," quoting Isaiah 64:8.

The YouTuber addressed accusations that she deliberately recorded her friend to cause harm, strongly denying these claims. "Nothing could be further from the truth. My accusers have refused to empathize with a betrayed woman who, in turn, appeared to be a betrayer. To prove my innocence, I am taking legal steps to resolve this issue with the friend who brought us into this mess. I hope this will help fix things," she concluded.