A 25-year-old blogger from Mombasa has accused county officers of abduction and sexual assault.

The victim claims that around 20 officers forcibly took him from his Bamburi home on Thursday morning, allegedly punishing him for criticizing the Mombasa County Government.

According to the victim, the officers broke into his house around 8 a.m., demanding that he accompany them to apologize for his negative comments about the local government.

PHOTO | COURTESY police line

 "There was a lot of noise outside, and when I checked, I saw over ten men." said an eyewitness.

The victim was allegedly taken to a hotel before being transported in a private vehicle. He says his hands and legs were bound, and he was wrapped in a sack before being taken to the Miritini area, where two unknown individuals assaulted and sodomized him.

He claims he was interrogated about his criticism of the county government before the assault.

"Two men, who were not part of the initial group, stripped and assaulted me," the victim shared.

After the attack, the blogger was dumped near the Mwakirunge dumpsite, where a good Samaritan rescued him. The incident has been reported at the Bamburi police station, but no arrests have been made yet.