Chief Justice Martha Koome has announced that the security of High Court Judge Lawrence Mugambi has been withdrawn.

In a report on Monday, she revealed that the security detail was withdrawn over the weekend after they were disarmed.

“A disturbing action was taken by the national police in the wake of sentencing of the acting IG. Police belonging to Mugambi were disarmed and subsequently withdrawn over the weekend,” Koome stated.

She condemned the action, saying it violates Article 160 of the constitution, which emphasizes the independence of the judiciary.

“Retaliatory measures against a judicial officers are uncalled for. JSC calls for the national police to restore the security of Hon. Justice Mugambi.”

Similarly, she assured Kenyans that the Judiciary is committed to protecting the rule of law and condemned the “act of intimidation by the national police.”

"The act of withdrawing the security of a sitting Judge, following a judicial decision that displeased certain authorities, is deeply concerning. It sends a chilling message to the Judiciary and the public at large: that those entrusted with upholding justice and safeguarding our rights can be intimidated, bullied, or retaliated against for their rulings."

Justice Mugambi on Friday sentenced Acting Inspector General Gilbert Masengeli to six months in prison after being found guilty of contempt of court.

The High Court judge ordered Masengeli to present himself to the commissioner general of prisons.

"In event he doesn't submit himself CS Interior must take all steps to ensure he is committed to prison to serve sentence," said Justice Mugambi.

However, the judge noted that Masengeli may avoid serving the sentence if he appears in court within seven days, failure to do so, the sentence will be effective.

Masengeli was found guilty of contempt after skipping seven court summonses to give a report on the whereabouts of Bob Njagi, Jamil Longton, and his brother Aslam Longton, who went missing on August 19, 2024.