A pilot and his student are nursing injuries after a Cessna 152 light aircraft operated by West Rift Aviation School they were flying crashed in Nairobi National Park.

The incident, which occurred shortly after noon, saw the plane go down within the park’s boundaries.

This comes a day after a plane carrying 11 people veered off the runway at Lichota Airstrip in Migori County on Monday during take-off before coming to a stop.

According to witnesses, the plane then started billowing smoke.

A fire engine from the Migori county government arrived quickly at the scene, and an ambulance to help evacuate the passengers to safety.

Moses Ywera, an eyewitness, said the plane, a Chartered Cessna Caravan, had difficulty taking off.

“I was in my compound next to the airstrip when I saw the plane trying to take off from the runaway to the air.”

Further, he stated that the plane started losing direction with loud screeching sounds from the wheels.

“It lost control and stalled at the end of runaway. We stopped to help when the smoke eased and we saw people coming out safely, though they looked shaken.”

It was established that the plane belongs to Z.Boskovic Air Charters with registration 5Y-ZBW.

In a statement, Z. Boskovic Air Charters said ten passengers and one crew member on the plane during the incident escaped unhurt.

Similarly, the company they are working with relevant authorities to help in investigations of the incident.