Police in Siaya County are investigating an incident in which the Memba sub-location Assistant Chief  Moses Oduor Mbeda was killed on Sunday morning in Rarieda.

Confirming the incident, Siaya County police commander Serah Koki said  Mbeda was murdered by unknown people.

According to police, the deceased met his untimely demise at around 1.00 am when the unknown assailants hacked him, leading to a fatal injury.

Koki said the administrator is may have stepped out to anwer a call of nature at a pit latrine within his compound when attack happened.

“He was hacked on the neck and lost a lot of blood,” she said.

Further, she said that the administrator was immediately rushed to the nearby Lwak Mission hospital where he was pronounced dead as a result of the severe injuries that he had sustained.

“We have already launched investigations to establish what really happened and who was behind it,” she said.

The body is lying at the hospital mortuary for preservation, awaiting postmortem.