The Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) has joined other religious leaders in opposing the proposed Religious Organisations Bill, 2024, put forward by Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana. The bill, which seeks to impose taxes on income, gifts, and profits generated by religious institutions, has been criticized by clergy members as punitive and developed without proper consultation with stakeholders.

EAK Chair, Bishop Philip Kitoto, expressed concern over the unexpected nature of the bill, especially since it follows the work of the Presidential Taskforce on the Review of the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Religious Organizations in Kenya. "The introduction of this bill caught religious leaders and organizations off guard," he stated.

While acknowledging that some rogue individuals have misused religious platforms to spread extremism, Bishop Kitoto emphasized the vital role religious organizations play in nation-building. "Religious groups have made significant contributions to Kenya’s social and economic development, complementing government efforts in peacebuilding and providing essential services in health, education, and hospitality," he said.

EAK Secretary General Reverend Kepha Nyandega echoed these concerns, highlighting that the bill violates constitutional principles, particularly those outlined in Article 10, which calls for public participation. "Religious leaders were not included in the drafting of this bill, which contradicts key constitutional requirements," Reverend Nyandega remarked.

He also criticized the bill for overlooking the need for theological qualifications for the proposed Registrar and duplicating existing regulations, such as the requirement for audited financial accounts.

The clergy further argued that the bill unfairly restricts religious activities, including evangelism, and limits the ability of religious leaders to operate freely within their institutions. The bill proposes a fine of Ksh.5 million, a three-year jail term, or both for any religious leader running an unregistered organization.