The Nakuru County Assembly has indefinitely suspended its sessions due to internal conflicts, reportedly involving members of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party. In a statement on Wednesday, Assembly Speaker Joel Maina expressed frustration, stating that the ongoing disputes have paralyzed the House’s activities.

"In recent days, our plenary sittings have unfortunately descended into disorder and chaos. This is happening despite clear standing orders that guide members' conduct during proceedings," Speaker Maina said. "Today, once again, we are witnessing some members blatantly disregarding the Constitution, legal statutes, and standing orders, choosing instead to invite anarchy into this esteemed house."

As a result, the Speaker announced the immediate and indefinite adjournment of the Assembly, with a resumption date to be announced later. "Due to the continued disregard for our standing orders, the Constitution, and the authority of the Speaker's chair, I am invoking Standing Order 110 to adjourn this House indefinitely," he stated.

Tensions in the Assembly have been escalating, particularly following the ouster of former Majority Leader Alex Langat on September 11, 2024. Langat was removed through an impeachment motion, with 31 UDA-allied MCAs accusing him of obstructing their oversight duties and excluding them from important county matters.

A letter signed by Biashara Ward MCA Fadhili Msuri confirmed the decision, stating: "All 31 UDA County Representatives unanimously voted to remove the majority leader during a meeting on Monday, September 9." The letter also accused Langat of failing to call a meeting of UDA members for two years, depriving them of a platform to discuss party matters.

Following Langat's removal, Keringet MCA William Mutai was elected to replace him, a move that caused further division among members not aligned with the UDA. The situation was exacerbated by previous attempts by UDA members to impeach Nakuru County Secretary Samuel Mwaura, who survived an ouster motion in May. That motion, introduced by Menengai East MCA Wilson Mwangi, further split the Assembly, with one faction opposing the motion in support of Governor Susan Kihika.