The government of Siaya County's proposal to turn Bondo into a municipality has received the overwhelming support of the town's citizens.

Residents led by John Garang expressed their support for the project at a public participation exercise at the Bondo CDF hall in Bondo town.

They claimed that it will significantly aid in increasing development throughout the region.

They continued by saying that the municipality's arrival in the area would also lead to more youth employment chances and that the process should be further accelerated.

Bondo town's elevation to municipal status won't put a financial strain on the locals, according to Mr James Obiero Otare, chairman of the Land and Physical Planning committee of the Siaya County Assembly.

He stated that any planning within the municipality will only be carried out after adequate talks with the inhabitants through public involvement exercises, even though he claimed that donor cash will be attracted to the elevation of Bondo town statues.

The deputy speaker of the Siaya County Assembly and a member of that committee, Mr Oduor Odongo, declared that they planned to create Bondo and Ugunja as two more municipalities to help Siaya County flourish.

According to him, Bondo town will be given a makeover and the level of hygiene and sanitation requirements will be raised with the establishment of a municipality.