It is becoming clear that President William Ruto is attempting to advance some political objectives by utilizing the Luo Nyanza MPs who just paid him a visit to the State House.

It is becoming clear that he has subsequently created a caucus of MPs from the Luo Nyanza party, comprised of some of the nine, which he plans to utilize to establish traction in the area.

According to the Daily Nation, the caucus, which has been dubbed the "Anti-Raila liberation organization," aims to unseat ODM leader Raila Odinga as the political titan of Luo Nyanza.

According to the newspaper, Lang'ata's Felix Odiwuor alias Jalang'o would serve as its secretary. It will be presided over by Bondo Member of Parliament Gideon Ochanda.

In a recent interview with the newspaper, Ochanda came dangerously close to confirming the caucus' existence by asserting that it is an improbable possibility.

"We still need to take that route. Not yet, but given the circumstances, it can't be completely ruled out,"

Together with his Uriri counterpart Mark Nyamita, Jalang'o denied affiliation with the rebel organization and any agreement between them and Ruto.

The MP declared that ODM, and not any outsider, would carry out any necessary emancipation in the lakeside Luo Nyanza region.

He insists that his meeting with Ruto was for his people's development and was not to harm Raila or the ODM.

"Our trip to State House was well-intentioned, and we'll keep talking to officials at all levels of government about development issues in a morally upright manner. In politics, ODM is the only liberation movement to which we belong; he told the newspaper.

But, the ODM party has not accepted the justifications and has started punishing them as Raila calls them out in public as traitors.