Deadly clashes have erupted between M23 rebels and militiamen in the democratic republic of congo. The number of casualties is still unconfirmed at the moment.

residents fleeing

The clash is said to be between M23 fighters and a community militia associated with the FDLR called Mai-Mai. Who, according to a witness, was seen coming from kibitz with knives and swords.

This attack is the first clash after the Luanda summit on 23 November, which agreed to a ceasefire between M23 rebels and the Congolese army.

Residents claim that the fighting went on throughout the night, with m23 rebels killing anyone they thought was a Mai Mai fighter. Some residents managed to escape the slayings.

DRC soldiers

the village elder said thatThe M23 thought those in the houses were Mai-Mai, so they went in and killed them

he added that The toll given to us is over 100 dead, but they don't have exact figures because most of the civilians have fled the area

He said the Mai-Mai "numbered around 100 and joined the FDLR in attacking".

Last week the group cut off all major trade routes for goods entering Goma from Kenya and Uganda. Trucks carrying these goods are stuck at the ishisha border for weeks.

M23 is a former Tutsi group that had been silent for several years but became active again in 2013. Rwanda is accused of fueling the conflict happening in the democratic republic of congo by financially supporting the m23 militia group.

Rwandan ambassador to the DRC, vincent Karega, was expelled from DRC after these accusations surfaced. Rwanda has fiercely denied these claims saying that they play no part in what is happening in DR Congo and that only congo is to blame for the increased violence in the northeastern part of kivu. Tensions between the two countries are at a boiling point.