The Church Of God (EA) Kenya Archbishop James Obunde has condemned the Supreme Court judgment that granted the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community the right to form a lobby group.

  Speaking during a robbing service on Sunday in Nairobi, the Archbishop noted that God ordained marriage that only involves males and females in the garden of Eden.

 “Supreme Court is not God. Imagine voting in a Senator, Governor, President, MCA or a member of parliament who is gay and  still think Kenya has a future. This is shameless.”

Further, Obunde stated that people who practice same-sex marriages should be stoned to death, and they do not deserve a place in society.

In February, in its ruling, the Supreme Court stated that LGBTQ is now a legal entity in Kenya and can operate at will after registration.

 “Despite gayism being illegal (in Kenya), they have a right of association.”

Three judges in the five-judge bench ruled that LGBTQ members can associate even though the law considers same-sex marriages illegal.

Therefore, the refusal to register them was discriminatory and contravened the law.

The ruling has sparked a heated conversation among Kenyans since the clergy and the political class condemned the judgement by the apex court in the country.

This has seen the Homa Bay MP Peter Kaluma submit a family protection bill in parliament that seeks to criminalise homosexuality, same-sex marriages and LGBTQ behaviours.

In a statement, Kaluma said that if the bill is passed into law, it will criminalise the promotion, recruitment, and funding of homosexuality and LGBTQ.

"I have submitted the Family Protection Bill to the National Assembly. It seeks to ban comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Pre-primary, primary and secondary schools education programs," he said.

According to Kaluma, the bill defines sex as the biological state of being male or female observed and assigned at birth.