Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has yet to be invited to the presentation of his new book, scheduled for Thursday, according to Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale.

The 'For The Record' book launch will be attended by dignitaries, cabinet secretaries, political and economic leaders, and President William Ruto.

Duale joked on a Citizen TV broadcast that former President Kenyatta has recently turned cantankerous and would disturb his event.


"I can't invite President Kenyatta anymore after seeing how he was behaving at the Jubilee offices." "He can disrupt my function, and you know he's my buddy, and I can't forcefully remove him," Duale explained.

On the other hand, the former Garissa Township MP pledged to bring a copy of the book to Kenyatta, whom he mentions in the book.

"I want him to watch my launch on television tomorrow." "I could have invited him, but I'm afraid he'll get annoyed when he sees Riggy G and Ichung'wa and disrupt my event," Duale joked.

In his book, the cabinet secretary for defence also explains why he doesn't see eye to eye with the azimio la Umoja coalition leader Raila Odinga.

Duale claimed on Citizen Show on Wednesday that Odinga betrayed him politically during the 2008 Grand Coalition administration. However, the former Garissa Township MP was his top campaigner in the Northern Kenya region.

PHOTO | COURTESY Uhuru and Duale

CS Duale, who was elected on an ODM party ticket at the time, claims that the previous prime minister and late President Mwai Kibaki declined to appoint him to the Cabinet because they had chosen the late Mohamed Yusuf Haji as Defence Minister, who hailed from the same area as Duale.

He explained that he was a Baba supporter. Baba admitted him to the political school, and he mostly campaigned for Raila Odinga in Muslim communities adding that he was his chief campaigner in the North, both in terms of numbers and resources, and that is where the politics of deception began

the CS added that When the grand coalition cabinet was formed, Raila Odinga looked him in the eyes and said, Kibaki has appointed another candidate, Haji, to be the Minister of Defence, so they can't have two of them from the same county, the same district then.