William Oduol, the troubled Siaya County Deputy Governor, has now been removed from office through impeachment.

Mr Oduol was impeached on June 29, 2023, after 42 members of the County Assembly (MCAs) overwhelmingly endorsed the special committee report formed to investigate the grounds for which an impeachment motion was presented against him.

East Asembo Ward MCA Gordon Onguru proposed the impeachment resolution, accusing the Deputy Governor of egregious violations of the Constitution, abuse of power, and mismanagement of public resources, among other things.


The special committee deemed the charges to be proven and recommended impeachment of the DG in a report tabled on the House floor by its Chairman, Yimbo East Ward MCA Francis Otiato.

During the report's deliberations, Siaya MCAs, one after the other, supported Mr Oduol's ouster, accusing him of being a dishonest leader out to further his interests.

They added that the differences between Mr Oduol and his boss, Governor James Orengo, had grown irreparable to the point that they could no longer work together, so he needed to be sent home to allow the county chief to provide good services to the people.

Some of them also accused the Deputy Governor of character assassination, claiming that he had harmed not only Governor Orengo's reputation but also the MCAs he accused of being compromised.

PHOTO | COURTESY William Oduol and Orengo

MCAs from Alego/Usonga Constituency said Mr Oduol's disputes with his boss had become a pain in their flesh, and the entire fight had cast them in a negative light.

Siaya County Assembly Speaker George Okode questioned the topic before the members unanimously supported the report by roll call, removing the Deputy Governor from office.

Following Mr Oduol's impeachment, the Siaya County Assembly will write to the Senate to explain why they took action.