Following the passage of the contentious Finance Bill 2023 by the National Assembly on Wednesday, Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has dared the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya opposition alliance to call for mass protests.

Speaking on Thursday, after Azimio called a public baraza on Tuesday next week to declare a way ahead following the passage of the contentious bill, Kuria slammed the opposition, stating, "demonstrations are not a monopoly of someone."

The Trade CS stated that if the opposition protests the Bill, they will organize protests in favour of the Bill.


"Demonstrations are not someone's monopoly. They can demonstrate against; we will demonstrate in support. Kwani, do they control the streets? We can also visit those areas. "Tukutane huko," Kuria said.

Following the controversial Finance Bill's passage on Wednesday, the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party has invited Kenyans to a consultation gathering in Nairobi next week to outline a course of action.

The coalition's leaders and supporters will meet at the Kamukunji Grounds on Tuesday, June 27, at 10 a.m., according to a statement read by Azimio co-principal and NARC-Kenya Party leader Martha Karua on Thursday.

Azimio has accused the Ruto administration of ignoring Kenyans who publicly opposed the contentious Bill during the public involvement stage, instead bulldozing its way through and "forcing" it on citizens.


During the debate on the Bill, the Azimio and Kenya Kwanza-associated leaders made strong arguments for and against the Bill. Still, the Majority prevailed because of their numerical superiority.

The centrepiece of the Bill has been the proposal to hike the VAT on fuel from 8% to 16%, as well as the introduction of a 1.5% housing construction fee, all of which were passed by MPs, much to the chagrin of the majority of Kenyans.