On Monday, the Nairobi-Nakuru road was temporarily stopped as Limuru's Murengeti hamlet residents scrambled for cabbages from a nearby vehicle that had toppled.

The truck's driver allegedly lost control, leading it to roll over and land in a ditch, according to police and witnesses.

Instead of saving the surviving, some young men started removing cabbages while obstructing traffic on the road.

Drivers were compelled to slow down and, at one point, stop their vehicles as the scene unfolded.

When they arrived, however, traffic police officials from the Tigoni police station quickly escorted the teenagers away and managed to keep traffic moving down the backed-up freeway.

Resident John Njagi condemned the incident and asserted that the youths guilty of the cabbage theft had diminished his village's reputation.

They were mostly slackers. Although these crops are grown on our farms, they believe they will sell those cabbages to greengrocers. When the rains began, many people in this region planted crops they are now harvesting.