Archbishop Anthony Muheria of Nyeri has advocated for a more humane and compassionate approach to dealing with government and opposition tensions.

During a citizen tv show, Muheria raised concern about President William Ruto's leadership, which he termed arrogant and oppressive.

PHOTO | COURTESY Archbishop Anthony Muheria

He said that Humane, empathetic, and compassionate leadership is required. Still, The leader is harsh, disrespectful, arrogant, and imposing, adding that kenya is headed in the wrong direction, which is why religious leaders want to talk.

And, as opposition leader Raila Odinga's Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition maintained that the anti-government rallies that have resulted in the deaths of over a dozen people would continue this week, the archbishop lamented a lack of empathy in Kenyans' handling of political disagreements.

The archbishop said that kenyans have weaponized misery, poverty, and tragedy. And that when they see something wrong, they go out with their swords to find a battleground to fight their opponents viciously and inhumanely.

PHOTO | COURTESY Archbishop Anthony Muheria

According to the archbishop, the Kenya Kwanza administration should meet with clergy members to discuss developing a healthy leadership tone free of threats.

The archbishop's remarks came only a day after President Ruto stated the government will not stand by while a few individuals utilize constitutional provisions to spread anarchy and ruin Kenyans' economies and businesses in the name of demonstrations.

President Ruto stated on Saturday at a gathering in Karachuonyo, Homa Bay County, that the government will mobilize all available resources to preserve Kenyans' lives.

He cautioned the opposition to brace themselves for a harsh war ahead of this week's three-day protests against the high cost of living.