Nimrod Mbai, the Kitui East MP, denies that he was caught on camera assaulting a Kenya Power engineer, saying he is a man of God.

Speaking on the subject after answering a summons from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on Monday, Mbai denied being the person seen in the video, claiming that the tape had been distorted.

PHOTO | COURTESY Nimrod Mbai, the Kitui East MP

"I never assaulted anyone. Do I look assaulting anybody, I am a renowned pastor. How conversant are you with the ICT and videos and copy-pasting and all these things around how you can play around with a video clip?" he said.

"If you go to Facebook and see how my people are commenting on the clip, it is the right thing to do. You have to fight for your right, you can't get to the point of harassing and abusing people, but a man has to do what he needs to do for things to move," he added.

The video, which went viral on July 4, shows Mbai roughhousing an engineer attempting to unplug an illegal electrical line at the legislator's residence in Kitengela, Kajiado County.

PHOTO | COURTESY Nimrod Mbai, the Kitui East MP

The Kitui East MP said he regrets nothing because he is not in the video and did not assault anyone.

"You are talking of a clip which has been played around with so how can I be remorseful? This clip is not the original clip. What they tried to pass on social media there is a lot of editing on it," he said.

EACC summoned Mbai for questioning over the event, which has now taken a new turn, and he has already provided his statement while awaiting further action.