During ex-Migori governor Okoth Obado's case proceedings, it was revealed that the governor had obtained the journalist's contact number through Mr. John Mbadi.

In the investigation surrounding the tragic death of Sharon, who was the former lover of ex-Migori governor Okoth Obado, a witness has come forward to shed light on certain crucial details. This witness has revealed how Mr. Okoth Obado obtained the contact information of a journalist from a media outlet.

During this difficult time, Mr. Obado's reputation was at stake, as Sharon had reportedly threatened to make public the pregnancy she carried. However, it was alleged that she demanded significant concessions from Mr. Obado, which included a substantial request for a house worth 20 million shillings, expensive medical treatment, financial assistance, and other benefits typically associated with a spousal relationship.

According to the witness, the late Sharon had acquired the contact details of a journalist and arranged to meet them at a later date, with the presence of the Member of County Assembly (MCA) during the meeting. The MCA is now a crucial witness in this case, providing valuable insights into the events that transpired.

The investigation continues as authorities seek to understand the circumstances surrounding Sharon's death and the nature of her relationship with Mr. Okoth Obado. The case has garnered significant attention, as it raises important questions about power dynamics and the consequences of choices made under difficult circumstances. As the details unfold, there is hope that justice will be served, bringing closure to those affected by this tragic loss.


Sharon in the meeting revealed that she was pregnant for Obado and that he had dumped her. But the journalist would later get a call from Mr Obado as the meeting was going on. Mr Obado wanted to see the journalist in the evening over the matter.

The MCA, being cautious about the meeting's authenticity, decided to inquire further. Upon questioning, he received confirmation that the meeting was indeed genuine.