Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development(KICD), in collaboration with the Competitions Authority of Kenya, has announced that grade 7 learners will get an opportunity to learn consumer rights.

More than 1.2 million learners are set to join Grade 7 in January 2023.

KICD chief executive officer Charles Ongondo said matters relating to consumer rights were only provided for in business studies.

The CEO said introducing consumer rights early creates awareness among learners.

"By mainstreaming them in the curriculum, we shall equip our young citizens with the requisite knowledge, skills and values to safeguard them from exploitation by unscrupulous business persons and organisations," he said.

On his part, KICD director general Wang’ombe Kariuki said the collaboration seeks to introduce the concepts at a young age.

Kariuki said the information will help learners make informed choices in adulthood.

"Especially when faced with different products and services due to increased competition and market complexities," he said.

The concepts will be mainstreamed in home science and business studies from junior to senior secondary.

Learners will undertake both formal and non-formal activities.

Further, the learning activities entail students identifying consumer issues within their community and discussing possible remedies.

This is in the form of drama, music, spoken word, dance, and even visiting communities.