Mumias East Member of Parliament Peter Salasya has shrugged off criticism for remarks he made during an interview on the sidelines while attending the  Africa Climate Summit (ACS). 

In a video shared on social media platforms by the mumias member of parliament, he said that he knows nothing about climate change and was only there to enjoy himself because climate change is not his area of concern.

PHOTO | COURTESY Peter Salasya

"I have seen people mock me that I didn't know anything about the summit. It is true, I went to KICC to enjoy myself. Climate is not my area of concern. Right now I am here in Kisumu to look at sugar issues, that is what concerns me, not climate," Salasya said in a video shared on his social media platforms. 

 In an earlier interview that has left kenyans confused, salasya was asked about his position on climate, and the politician did not know what was going on or why he was at the summit.

PHOTO | COURTESY Peter Salasya 

"People in Mumias are using firewood to cook, as area MP we are trying to find alternative means like subsidised cooking gas so that they don't cut down trees," Salasya said in part.

Is Hon. Peter Salasya talking about the same Climate Change we all know or this a special one? This will leave you in stitches 🤣

He went on to say that his comments about Mombasa being chilly owing to global warming were correct but that people were eager to find flaws in his words to make him a talking point.

Salasya had mentioned that he had recently visited Mombasa and that it had been abnormally cold. When asked why, he was informed it was because of climate change.