In response to Milly's complaints, Kabi WaJesus expressed concern that her tactics of soliciting loans from his friends would strain his friendships, crying, "No. Let me tell you, wives are the ones who break most marriages. Utaharibu, how do you contact someone and request the money I loaned them? Perhaps hata wife hajui."

The financial conflict was not the only topic discussed on YouTube. Milly also addressed Kabi's propensity to pray during fights.

She claimed that praying during an argument was inappropriate and suggested making peace with the offended party before turning to prayer.

They then packed him into their car and drove him to the South Marmanet Forest headquarters near Nyahururu town, where they allegedly thrashed him until he passed out.

The rangers allegedly hurried him to Nyahururu County Referral Hospital, where he was treated and admitted. Still, after a thorough assessment, a doctor at the health institution determined he was not in danger.

According to witnesses, the officers pointed their pistols at the victim and jumped on him.

Patricia Mumbi, the Officer in Charge of the Marmanet Forest, told Citizen Digital that officers were hunting for a suspect who had assaulted a ranger in the region last week.

Ms. Mumbi said that the accused victim, Mr. Limba, had also struck another officer in an attempt to resist arrest.

The incident sparked outrage among locals and the victim's family members, who now demand justice.

They claim it was not the first time KFS rangers terrorized people with firearms and batons for no apparent cause, and they now want the government to intervene and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.