Fishermen from Remba Island in Suba North constituency, Homa Bay County, began searching for the bodies of two colleagues who died in a ship-boat accident in Lake Victoria on Monday morning.

The two fishermen died last Thursday on Ringiti Island beach after their boat was damaged by a ship traveling from Kisumu to Uganda. Another survivor was on a fishing expedition. 

The boat split in two, causing one section where the two fishermen sat to descend into the lake. 

According to Zemekiah Okoth Mamra, chairman of the Remba Island Beach Management Unit, they have gathered resources and another fisherman from adjacent beaches ready to begin the search expedition.

Officers from the Kenya Maritime Authority and the Kenya Coast Guard Services are expected to join them in the search for the two dead.

The BMU leaders have requested that the Homa Bay County Department of Disaster Management intervene with humanitarian aid to assist them in retrieving the dead.