Nyamira County Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) have threatened to begin an impeachment motion against Governor Amos Nyaribo.

28 out of 34 MCAs have approved an impeachment.

Township ward MCA Duke Masira, the deputy leader of the majority in the Assembly, says they want Nyaribo to resign or face impeachment over a Kes 22 million drugs scandal.

Further, Masira said that MCAs have lost faith in Nyaribo because he abused his authority.

"We want the Senate to establish whether Nyaribo will continue being governor. He claimed that only boxes were delivered instead of drugs, we want him to be investigated," he said.

The governor fired Timothy Ombati, the county's health minister, due to the medicine procurement scam.

Ombati has since filed a lawsuit, claiming that his dismissal was illegal. He demands his reinstatement by the governor.