There were power struggles between former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga during the grand coalition government, according to former Head of Public Service Francis Muthaura.

In an interview with Citizen TV, Muthaura stated that in order to end the power struggles between the two leaders, he had to step in personally and specify in writing the respective roles that each should fulfill.

According to the former Head of Public Service, the vice president was responsible for managing state affairs, and the prime minister was in charge of running the government.

Muthaura made it plain that the vice president would take over as head of state in the event of the president's passing.

"There came a problem of competition between the prime minister and vice president. I was told by Mutula Kilonzo to try and define the functions. I defined them and I said the PM is in charge of government business and vice president is in charge of State matters but in the event of death of the president, the VP becomes the president."

"I put this in writing to parliament and it was passed unanimously. This resolved the protocol issues between the two and it all ended. After Cabinet was formed they had regular meetings. The PM chaired all cabinet committee meetings," said Muthaura.

Odinga was the Prime Minister, and Kalonzo was the Vice President following the contentious 2007 General Election. The two would frequently scuffle over who was the second most powerful.