Governor Anne Waiguru of Kirinyaga County has called for a focus on governance amidst growing speculation about the political landscape, particularly the rumored "Limuru 3" talks. Speaking from her office, Governor Waiguru emphasized the need to prioritize work over political maneuvers in the current climate.

The mention of "Limuru 3" has generated curiosity and debate among political circles and the public. However, Governor Waiguru insists that while political discussions will have their time, it is essential to remain dedicated to serving the people and fulfilling the mandate entrusted by the electorate.

In her statement, Governor Anne Waiguru acknowledged the significance of political developments but stressed the need for leaders to remain focused on delivering tangible results for their constituents. She highlighted ongoing projects and initiatives aimed at improving various sectors within Kirinyaga County, reaffirming her commitment to effective governance.

Governor Waiguru's call to concentrate on work resonates at a time when political speculation often dominates public discourse. It reflects a pragmatic approach to leadership, prioritizing the needs of the people above partisan interests.

In the context of political scheming and the expectation of future realignments, Governor Waiguru's speech serves as a reminder that being a governor is a continuous duty that calls for attention to detail and commitment. Although political conversations are unavoidable, they shouldn't take precedence over the main goal of helping the public and attending to their problems.