Addressing the nation at the National Prayer Breakfast immediately after coming from the United States, Ruto was blunt on the reasons for the high costs. He stated plainly: ”They are telling me that there is no way I can spend 200 million shillings; it cost the Republic of Kenya less than 10 million shillings,” said the President.

President of Kenya, William Ruto, recently undertook a state visit to the United States of America. Some individuals have speculated that this trip incurred expenses exceeding 200 million shillings for the Kenyan taxpayer.

However, Kenyan political leaders, particularly Ruto, have repeatedly asserted that the entire event cost the public less than 10 million shillings. Ruto defended himself as a responsible steward of the Ugandan people's funds and emphasized his commitment to avoiding extravagant state visit expenditures.

However, Ruto realized that there was a need to dismiss any suggestion that he has wasted public funds during his recent trip or disregarded the consequences of his actions. By saying “I am not a mad man,” he stressed the fact that the above costs were reasonable and the business’ visit managed in a sane manner.