Dagoretti North Member of Parliament Beatrice Elachi has called on Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja to address the longstanding issue of cartels operating within the capital city's corridors of power.

In a compelling appeal, Elachi urged Sakaja to take decisive measures to combat the pervasive influence of cartels in Nairobi's affairs.

Speaking on the Hot Breakfast, Elachi added that these clandestine networks often exploit loopholes in governance structures, undermine the delivery of essential services, and impede progress.

“He has done considerably well when it comes to hospitals. But let me tell you where he has to rethink,” Elachi posed to show hosts Jeff Koinange and Patrick Igunza.

According to the Dagoretti North legislator, individuals who worked with previous regimes are responsible for the issues affecting Nairobi.

She added that for Sakaja’s administration to perform well, the Governor and his team need to focus on priority areas such as health and sanitation.

“You do not need to pick ten things at a go. Pick two and work on them. Nairobians will salute you,” Elachi noted.

The MP added that the pervasive influence of cartels not only undermines the credibility of governance but also stifles economic growth and perpetuates social inequality.