ODM party leader Raila Odinga attended the signing of the  IEBC (Amendment) Bill into law at KIC. Raila said that they should find a lasting solution to the IEBC issues that have been experienced in the past. Raila made these remarks while attending the signing of the IEBC (Amendment) Bill into law at KICC. On Tuesday, he expressed that in the last elections, Kenyans were ashamed of the actions of the IEBC. The former prime minister also clarified that a dialogue is the way forward in order to come up with solutions.

"What example are we showing the world? In the process of an important exercise who were we to believe between the two sides of the IEBC? It's a shame!' he said.

"Kenya has men and women who can do better jobs and this Act will help us to unify this country."

Raila stated that Kenya deserves better, adding that issues of discrimination, corruption, and gender inequality need to be addressed.

"It is possible to address them if there is a will to do it. The IEBC is a very important institution. it is not the first time we have had issues. If we can find solutions, we can solve so many issues," he said.

"Let us find a lasting solution. We are ready to engage to find everlasting solutions."

The location of the signing ceremony was KICC. Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Azimio leaders Raila Odinga were present for the signing.