Raila Odinga's diehard Gaucho explained why the cause of the  long standing rivalry between the Luo and Kikuyu community.

Gaucho began by recounting the actions of Kenya's first president, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta appointing Oginga Odinga as vice president, only to later fall out with him and replace him with Mzee Moi. This decision, according to Gaucho, marked genesis of the long-standing rivalry between the Luo and Kikuyu communities. Mzee Moi eventually succeeded Kenyatta after his death.


Moving to more recent history, Gaucho highlighted the 2002 elections when Raila Odinga campaigned for Mwai Kibaki. Despite this support, Kibaki did not include Raila in his government after winning the election. The pattern of betrayal continued in the 2007 elections when Raila was denied victory over Kibaki, leading to increased political conmanship.

Gaucho's remarks highlight the recurring theme of political betrayal in Kenya's history, especially involving leaders from the Kikuyu community. He suggests that Kikuyu conmanship is at the root of the current political tensions and urges Generation Z to retreat.

Uhuru Kenyatta, who was supported by William Ruto, completed his ten-year tenure. They had an agreement to support each other, but during the 2022 general elections, Uhuru Kenyatta chose to support Raila Odinga instead of William Ruto.