ODM Party Chairman John Mbadi has warned Raila Odinga against placing trust in former President Uhuru Kenyatta and urged him to continue dialogue with President William Ruto. Expressing his support for the discussions between Ruto and Raila, Mbadi criticized Uhuru for allegedly opposing the deal.

Speaking in Suba South on Saturday, July 20, Mbadi questioned Uhuru's intentions and sincerity, suggesting that the former president does not have Raila's best interests at heart. Mbadi argued that if Uhuru truly wanted to support Raila's leadership, he would have done so during the 2022 elections.

"I am not persuaded that Uhuru means well for us now. If he wanted to give us leadership, he would have given us leadership in 2022. Some of us today would be Cabinet ministers; I would not be a nominated member of parliament," Mbadi stated.

Mbadi dismissed the idea that Uhuru could make Raila president in the 2027 general election if he abandons his deal with Ruto. He emphasized that Uhuru had the opportunity to support Raila in 2022 but failed to do so, making it unlikely that he could achieve this now that he is out of power.

"You are telling us that now is when Uhuru has the key to take us to the State House, and when he was there he handed the key to someone else. Now you are telling us that Uhuru can give us the key to the State House," Mbadi added.

His comments came after reports that Uhuru and Raila held a meeting in Dubai to discuss a pact for the 2027 election. Mbadi's stance underscores the internal disagreements within the ODM party and the broader political landscape in Kenya.