A political realignment appears to be underway in Mombasa following recent developments in the national political landscape. On Wednesday, President William Ruto nominated former Mombasa Governor and ODM deputy party leader Hassan Joho as the Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs. This nomination was met with jubilation in Mombasa, with various leaders praising Ruto for the decision. Sheikh Juma Ngao, chairman of the Kenya Muslim National Advisory Council, expressed confidence that Joho will advance the interests of the Coast region in his new role.

“We only ask him to ensure that Coast residents and Kenyans at large benefit. He should work and justify his appointment,” Sheikh Ngao said.

Political Dynamics In Mombasa

Hassan Joho's nomination as the Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs has already begun to stir political dynamics in Mombasa. On Thursday evening, Joho made a somewhat triumphant entry into the city, with the streets of Changamwe filled with jubilant supporters carrying his portraits and chanting his name. Despite the fanfare, Joho quietly exited Moi International Airport, accompanied by Governor Abdulswamad Nassir and Mvita MP Mohamed Machele, and was escorted by Mombasa county government vehicles through the crowd, who had been informed that President Ruto would soon arrive.

Joho And The 48 Laws Of Power

Joho went directly to his residence in Nyali, while elected leaders in Mombasa remained in Changamwe to await the President's arrival. An insider close to Joho noted that he strategically allowed the President to take the spotlight, adhering to the principle of "48 Laws of Power." At subsequent rallies, UDA Vice Chair and EALA MP Hassan Omar, and Nyali MP Mohammed Ali were seen riding together, a rare sight given their usual rivalry, despite both being from the same political party. Both Omar and Ali are reportedly considering a run for the governor position in 2027.

 Former Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo

The recent developments have also affected former Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo, who had been eyeing the Mombasa governor seat. His supporters are now urging him to reconsider his strategy, possibly shifting his focus to other positions such as senator or Kisauni MP. Some supporters were displeased that Mbogo was not invited to Ruto's welcome event in Changamwe. Mbogo acknowledged the need to re-strategize but reassured his supporters, emphasizing the importance of learning from past mistakes and preparing for the 2027 elections.

How Is The Political Landscape In Mombasa?

The political landscape in Mombasa seems to be shifting, with Joho's entry into government potentially giving him significant influence in the region's politics. Meanwhile, UDA's Hassan Omar has begun to reach out to Joho and other ODM leaders, signaling a possible new era of regional unity. On Thursday evening, some leaders, including ODM MCAs and UDA members, were invited to State House Mombasa, suggesting a possible thawing of relations between ODM and UDA.