Kasmuel McOure and Kileleshwa Member of Parliament Robert Alai are engaged in a heated online feud. The conflict ignited when Alai criticized McOure's online behavior, accusing him of living in a fantasy world. McOure retaliated with a harsh, insult-laden tweet, which quickly sparked a firestorm of online activity.

“Kasmuel needs guidance or he will die out of his illusions and imaginations. He is living an alternative reality. Someone should save him from himself.”

This comment did not sit well with Kasmuel.

In a scathing response, Kasmuel fired back with a tweet that read, “A man with the IQ of a wet sock, who looks like Cold Porridge and an Indian Purple frog (please don’t google it😂) had a baby thinks he can subtly threaten my life? I’d rather die than live a lie like Alai!”

The tweet was accompanied by a screenshot of Alai’s initial remarks, adding fuel to the fire.

This exchange quickly garnered massive attention, with Kasmuel’s tweet receiving over 6,100 likes, 1,500 retweets, and 915 comments within hours.

The back-and-forth between the two public figures has drawn mixed reactions from the public.

Some netizens have shown support for Kasmuel’s boldness, while others believe the feud is unnecessary and distracts from more important issues.

The exchange has divided public opinion, with some backing McOure's bold response and others criticizing the pair for engaging in a pointless public spat.

While Alai's supporters claim he was genuinely concerned about McOure's mental health, McOure's fans see his response as a justified defense of his character.