Controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna has clearly stated that he wants to see Jimi Wanjigi call Raila Odinga out for who he truly is and provide a detailed account of how a university dropout, who has never held a stable job or invented anything, became a multi-billionaire in US dollars during the 24 years of Daniel Arap Moi’s one-party repressive regime in a third-world country.

On his chains of statements, Miguna alleged that Wanjigi must return the billions he earned through conflicts of interest, shady deals with the NIS/Special Branch, and murky military and infrastructure tenders to the public before we can believe that he has genuinely reformed and can be welcomed into the struggle for social justice.

Again, he added that Mr. Wanjigi must publish the unaltered Memorandum of Understanding between himself, William Ruto, and Uhuru Kenyatta before the 2013 general and presidential elections. We cannot trust anyone who keeps secrets about deals made with ICC-indicted criminals to undermine the people’s sovereignty and democratic governance.

He went ahead to state that for Wanjigi to publicly state that he is keeping the instrument he secretly entered into with Ruto and Kenyatta means that he remains loyal to the organized mafia and cannot be trusted.

According to Miguna, until he meets these prerequisites, we will regard his ‘exposes’ as nothing more than selective disclosures from a member of the organized mafia—a group that true revolutionaries must defeat and permanently bury for a new republic with new values to emerge.

The Canada based lawyer stated that freedom fighters must remain alert, discerning, scrupulous, disciplined, and focused. We cannot repeat the mistakes made by Pio Gama Pinto, Thomas Sankara, Chris Hani, and Patrice Lumumba," said Dr. Miguna Miguna.