Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma has criticized the Meru County Assembly's decision to impeach Governor Kawira Mwangaza, which has led to the initiation of impeachment proceedings in the Senate.

Kaluma criticized the Meru County Assembly, calling it a "national embarrassment" and suggesting its dissolution.

"The County of Meru has become a national disgrace and should be dissolved! How did these misguided MCAs, who clearly misunderstand the term 'gross' in impeachment, get elected?" stated Kaluma.

The Mp further accused the County Assembly of displaying outdated attitudes by targeting Mwangaza simply because she is a woman, a stark contrast to the global support for female leadership, and urged for the dismissal of the impeachment case.

This ODM MP has been a vocal supporter of Governor Kawira Mwangaza, consistently criticizing efforts to remove her from office. In December 2022, he strongly condemned attempts to oust her, arguing that women deserve to be accepted and respected in leadership positions, including as governors.

As the Senate hearing for Mwangaza's impeachment commenced, Senate Clerk Jeremiah Nyegenye presented the charges against her, which included violations of the Constitution, gross misconduct, and abuse of office. These allegations stem from Mwangaza's alleged revocation of CPA Virginia Kawira Miriti's appointment as CEO of the Meru County Public Service Board, which was deemed to have been done improperly, according to legal requirements. However, governor Mwangaza has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Meru County MCA's lead council member Ndegwa Njiru said, "Hon. Senators, you are being asked for a third time to evaluate Governor Kawira Mwangaza's suitability for office. This is not about personal vendettas."

The governor's lawyer Elias Mutuma, argued that the current impeachment motion is based on falsehoods created after the previous attempt was challenged.

The impeachment motion mover Zipporah Kinya defended the impeachment motion, asserting that most of the County Assembly members supported it. She emphasized that Mwangaza's alleged revocation of CPA Virginia Kawira Miriti's appointment as CEO of the Meru County Public Service Board was done improperly, according to legal requirements.