Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua has recently stated that their membership in the opposition is independent of Raila Odinga joining AU or not.

Speaking on Thursday, Karua stated that her party will continue to represent the people's interests regardless of Raila's election as chairman of the African Union Commission.

She emphasized that the opposition takes their role seriously.

"Whether or not our brother Raila goes to AU, and we wish him well, the position doesn't change. He remains here we still remain a voice, he goes we still play our role. Our being in the opposition is not predicated in the presence or absence of our brother, it is a duty we take up seriously," Karua said.

She continued by saying that because they are decent citizens, they take their civic duty seriously.

Karua declared that her party will always defend morality and collaborate with other like-minded groups to act as the opposition.

"We do not need any title and we have always tried to be good citizens who take up their civil responsibility in this country. This party will continue to stand up for what is right. We are not a party in government, we are the Opposition and we are used to being in the opposition trenches for the longest.

"You can expect that we'll continue to do so and our colleagues who wish to do so will collaborate with them but I speak for Narc Kenya and this is our promise to Kenyans," Karua insisted.

Her comments come at a time when the opposition is split over President William Ruto's decision to include ODM leaders in his cabinet.

Karua's party said that it was leaving the Azimio coalition as a result of the action.