Tuesday saw the removal of bondo member of parliament Gideon ochanda from his position as the secretary of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Bondo sub-branch. in an earlier interview, the mp said that he did not commit any mistake by visiting ruto at the state house.

PHOTO | COURTESY Gideon ochanda

During a meeting presided over by Siaya senator Dr Oburu Oginga, the executive branch committee participants met at the ODM offices in Bondo. They decided to expel Ochanda from the party, and his parliamentary sponsorship was withdrawn.

 George Ochieng Mawere, the chairman of the Bondo sub-branch, said that Francis Otiato will now take the position once held by the bondo mp, the Yimbo East Member of the County Assembly.

Otiato went on to say that the law is apparent to those that decide to work with the opposition—adding that he is ready for the task given to him. Dr Oburu Oginga, a senator from Siaya, said the ODM could not tolerate indiscipline among its ranks and accused Dr Ochanda of stabbing their party leader Raila Odinga in the back.

The ODM party vowed last week to punish party members who attended a meeting at the state house with President William Ruto and his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua.

PHOTO | COURTESY ODM mps at statehouse

After the ODMs statement, the bondo mp said that any actions against him must follow due process. ochanda allegedly missed a meeting that senator Oburu Odinga arranged. But ochanda claims that he was not informed of the forum or invited to it and, therefore, could not attend.

 Shakeel Shabir (Kisumu East, Independent), Paul Abuor (Rongo), Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), John Owino (Awendo), and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda were among the other ODM representatives who paid ruto a visit at the statehouse.

langata mp Felix odiwor faced the heat of the party after being kicked out of the retreat in Machakos to visit ruto at the state house. He said that he did not regret attending the meeting.