The Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya coalition claims that including Eldas Member of Parliament Adan Keynan on the Kenya Kwanza bipartisan team was unlawful.

The seven-person Azimio team requested that Kenya Kwanza remove Keynan from the list of leaders who were scheduled to engage with them (Azimio) in the bipartisan negotiations during a news conference on Thursday, April 13.

Adan Keynan, a member of Elda's party in parliament, was recently added to the Kenya Kwanza bipartisan team, according to the Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya alliance, who now claim that this was done with malice.

Keynan was asked to be removed from Kenya Kwanza's list of leaders who were scheduled to negotiate with Azimio in the bipartisan negotiations during a news conference held on Thursday, April 13.

The group led by Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo claimed that Keynan's participation was illegal and that it was done with the intention of delaying the exercise. Hon Keynan allegedly belongs to Azimio, according to Otiende. He continued by saying that Keynan's inclusion was illegal and designed to slow down the process because the subject of party discipline was one of the four cardinal issues on the table.

Otiende requested the replacement of Keynan. Amolo added that they have already prepared a draft framework of engagement to guide the negotiation process.

The lawmakers also warned that the negotiations would fail unless every effort is made to find solutions to the four main issues, which include lowering the cost of unga, electricity, and fuel, conducting a forensic audit of the IEBC servers, reconstituting the IEBC bipartisanly, and respecting democracy and party discipline.