As soon as President Ruto took office, he set out on a mission to change Kenya and improve how the government operated. His severe treatment of Permanent Secretaries (PSs) and Cabinet Secretaries (CSs) is one of the standout features of his administration style.
In this article, President Ruto's tough approach to these senior officials is reviewed along with the impact that such strict measures may have on Kenya's governance and accountability.

Upholding Accountability

President Ruto's strictness towards PSs and CSs can be attributed to his commitment to fostering accountability within the government. In order to achieve his vision of a transparent and responsible administration, he has laid emphasis on holding these top officials accountable for their actions. By closely monitoring their performance and demanding results, Ruto aims to ensure that every decision and policy implemented benefits the nation and its citizens.

Fostering Efficiency and Performance

President Ruto recognizes the crucial role played by PSs and CSs in the execution of government programs and policies. His strict approach is intended to instill a sense of urgency and efficiency among these officials. By setting high expectations and demanding excellence, Ruto aims to accelerate progress in critical sectors and deliver tangible benefits to Kenyan citizens. He believes that a competent and motivated team of PSs and CSs will drive positive change and steer the nation towards prosperity.


Curbing Corruption and Mismanagement

President Ruto's resolve to fight corruption and poor management inside the government is among the main causes of his strictness. He is aware that the country's progress will be seriously hampered without controlling these vices. Ruto wants to foster an atmosphere where public resources are used effectively and for the greater good by keeping a close eye on PSs and CSs and advocating a zero-tolerance approach to corruption.

Promoting Meritocracy

The rigorous stance taken by President Ruto is in line with his support for meritocracy. He is adamant that hiring decisions and advancements within the government be made exclusively on the basis of merit, ability, and qualifications. Ruto conveys a clear message that positions of authority are acquired through commitment and aptitude, not via political connections or favour, by requiring excellent performance from PSs and CSs.

Strengthening Public Trust

A key aspect of President Ruto's governance strategy is rebuilding public trust in the government and its institutions. By holding PSs and CSs accountable and enforcing strict standards of behavior, Ruto aims to restore confidence among the citizens in the government's ability to serve their interests. A transparent and responsible government fosters trust and encourages citizens to actively participate in the country's development.

Encouraging Innovation and Adaptability

President Ruto's strictness is not meant to stifle creativity or innovation within the government. On the contrary, he seeks to encourage PSs and CSs to think outside the box and find novel solutions to the nation's challenges. Ruto understands that in a rapidly changing world, adaptability is crucial, and by setting high expectations, he motivates his team to embrace innovation and seize opportunities for progress.

President Ruto's strictness towards PSs and CSs stems from a strong commitment to governance, accountability, and improving Kenya.
Ruto aims to lead the country towards a brighter future by upholding transparency, demanding excellence, and fostering accountability.
His stringent measures are meant to enforce compliance and create a culture of responsible leadership, where every decision made and action taken serves the nation's greater good and its people. While it may be a challenging path, President Ruto firmly believes that his unwavering commitment to excellence will ultimately yield positive results and drive Kenya's progress towards prosperity and inclusivity.