Governor Kawira Mwangaza's impeachment motion brought a series of conversations in Kenya. The governor through her Facebook page said the MCA's used millions to impeach her.

In her statement highlights, she said that the MCAs had sleepless nights, sponsored headlines, and used a lot of energy.

The governor however stated that all these happened just to confirm what God wants them to do. It should be noted that the Meru governor is an anointed Bishop and ministers to the Baite Family.

In her Facebook post, the governor even went further to state that it was a spiritual mission by the MCAs, and her highlights were followed by a hashtag. # AttackFollowingAnnointing.

On November 30, 2022, the Meru court halted the impeachment motion. Justice Wamae Cherere said the motion did not follow the correct procedure in initiating an ouster bid against Mwangaza.

"I'm guided by the principle that a party, such as a petitioner, is not required to suffer illegality or breach of her rights and resultant injustice on the solace that her grievance would be remedy either by the assembly or the Senate," she said.

Cherere said it is a singular authority of the court to deal with threatened violations before they happen.

"Upon considering the application and preliminary objection and after hearing the presentations of the council, this court finds that the procedure adopted by the respondent to process the proposed motion of impeachment is flawed and has the effect of violating her constitutional rights," she ruled.

However, the Meru County MCAs went ahead with the motion to impeach the governor and succeed on Wednesday 14 since it was two against 67 MCAs.