A toxic relationship is one where one partner is physically, emotionally or mentally abused. Being abused can drain your energy and cause you to feel anxious, depressed, or even worthless. It is critical that you see the warning signs of an abusive relationship to protect yourself and seek help if necessary. Here are some warning signs of being aware of:

couple fighting

1. they lack respect for you: In a healthy relationship, both partners show respect for each other and their boundaries, feelings, and opinions. If your partner belittles you after every minor argument, dismisses your thoughts or feelings, or tries to control you, it is a sign of disrespect and toxicity, and you should seek help.

2. manipulation of your emotions: Toxic partners often use emotional manipulation to get what they want or to make you feel guilty. They may use your insecurities against you, play the victim, or guilt-trip you into doing something you don't want to do. They manipulate you into accepting blame for something that they did.

3. Physical or verbal abuse: Physical abuse includes any form of violence or aggression, such as hitting, pushing, or restricting your movement. Verbal abuse includes yelling, insulting, or threatening you. Both forms of abuse are unacceptable and are signs of a toxic relationship. Some people experience both, while others don't consider verbal abuse as abuse and think abuse is only hitting.

couple arguing

4. they gaslight you: Gaslighting is a type of psychological manipulation in which the perpetrator attempts to cast doubt on the victim's perceptions and memories. The abuser may convince the victim that they are crazy or overreacting by denying certain events or conversations. This act is the first step in an abusive relationship and often leads to physical abuse.

5. Lack of support: In a healthy relationship, partners support each other's goals and aspirations, but If your partner consistently puts you down, undermines your efforts, or refuses to offer emotional or practical support, it is a sign of a toxic relationship. You need to seek help

6. Infidelity or cheating: A healthy relationship builds on trust and loyalty. Suppose your partner cheats on you or consistently flirts with others. In that case, he does not respect the fundamental foundations of the relationship, which