Mixed signals from a romantic partner can be confusing and frustrating. This means that the relationship is one-sided and it's only you that is in love. Yes! You heard that right.  Here are ten common mixed signals to watch out for and what they may mean:

1. They initiate plans one day and then cancel the next

This could indicate that they are not as invested in the relationship as you are or that they have other priorities.

2. They tell you they love you, but their actions don't match their words

This could mean that they are not being genuine or that they have a different idea of what love means.

3. They seem distant or emotionally unavailable

This could mean that they are struggling with their own issues and need some space, or it could be a sign that they are not as invested in the relationship as you are.


4. They flirt with other people in front of you

This could be a sign that they are not committed to the relationship or that they are not happy with the relationship.

5. They talk about the future but don't make any concrete plans

This could be a sign that they are not ready to commit or that they are not sure about the relationship.

6. They avoid discussing important topics

This could mean that they are not ready to have a deep conversation or that they are not invested in the relationship.

7. They make you feel guilty for wanting to spend time with your friends or family

This could mean that they are trying to control your life or that they are not comfortable with the idea of you having a life outside of the relationship.

8. They are not responsive to your texts or calls

This could mean that they are not interested in the relationship or that they are not ready to have a serious conversation.


9. They make you feel like you are walking on eggshells

This could mean that they are not stable and can't handle healthy communication.

10. They don't introduce you to their friends or family

This could mean that they are not ready to take the relationship to the next level or that they are not comfortable with the idea of you being a part of their life.


It's important to remember that mixed signals can have different meanings for different people. It's always best to have an open and honest conversation with your partner to get a better understanding of their feelings and intentions. If you can't have a productive conversation, it's important to consider if this relationship is healthy for you.