Dr Gary Chapman introduced the concept of the five languages, explaining how and when to Convey Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate.

PHOTO | COURTESY couple on a date

" According to the idea, there are five different ways for people to express and experience love, and everyone has a primary love language by which they prefer to be loved. The five common love languages include words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time acts of service, and physical touch.

Words of affirmation are the first love language: this is where one expresses emotions and gratitude through words or verbal promises, encouragement and compliments. Individuals who know that words of affirmation are their love language always feel loved when their partner tells them how much they love them. They can do this by saying lovely words or leaving nice notes around the house.

PHOTO | COURTESY couple cooking

Acts of service are the second love language: this involves doing something nice for your partner. This act is action based and can include doing things such as cooking something nice for them, washing the dishes or cleaning the house, running errands and even fixing something around the house that is broken instead of calling the plumber to do it or buying a new one. Your partner will feel loved when you take the time to do something or a chore that they don't like doing.

Receiving Gifts is the third love language, which should not be confused with being greedy or materialistic. However, some people feel extra loved when their partners take the time to buy them gifts.

The gifts can range from something as small as a bag to big purchases. The gifts can also be thoughtful ones and things that represent your love. It doesn't have to be expensive as long as it is something that she wants. People whose love language is receiving gifts feel appreciated and loved when their partners put in the time and thoughts to get them something unique


the fourth love language is physical touch, and these people prefer physical expressions of love other than other expressions. Your partner will appreciate and cherish the intimate moments that the two of you spend together. This act can include cuddling and making out. Physical intimacy is essential to any relationship as it brings the couple together.

The fifth love language is quality time, which involves giving them undivided attention and quality time when the two of you are together. You can spend the time doing something both enjoy, like camping at the weekend, watching a movie, or even travelling together.

You tend to have deep conversations when spending g quality time together without any distractions. You and your partner can use the time to talk about your relationship, set couple goals and also use the time to solve any misunderstanding that you may have. People with these as their primary love language feel loved when their partner spends quality time with them.

It is, however, essential to note that a person can have more than one love language, and it is important to talk to your partner and understand their needs and wants to make your relationship better and last longer.