Coping with abusive parents can be a harrowing and mentally draining experience. Toxic parents consistently engage in detrimental and abusive behaviour towards their children, causing significant psychological and emotional distress. However, the consequences of such behaviour may be managed and reduced by adopting specific strategies.

1 Set clear boundaries

Setting limits is the first stage towards coping with toxic parents. You must set clear and firm limits with parents to ensure they do not cross uncomfortable boundaries for you. Limiting interaction with parents or interacting only via texts or email are examples of such restrictions. When discussing your limits with your parents, be assertive and don't let them persuade or coerce you into adjusting them.

2 seek support

Obtaining support from others, like friends, family, or a therapist, is also critical. Toxic parents can make you feel alienated and disconnected, but having a community of support can help you feel stronger and more understood. A therapist may also provide you with the skills and coping strategies you need to deal with the emotional consequences of toxic parenting. It's also critical to prioritise your well-being and practise self-care.

This can include exercise, meditation, or time spent with friends that bring you pleasure and relaxation. It's also critical to deal with any adverse self-perceptions or views that may have developed due to your time as an abusive parent. 

PHOTO | COURTESY toxic parents

3 Limit interaction with them.

In some instances, it may be essential to limit or eliminate interaction with your parents. Although this is a difficult choice to make, it is critical to prioritise your psychological wellness and well-being. If your parents are constantly abusive or manipulative, you may need to cut ties with them to recover and move on. 

4 don't blame yourself

It's essential to remember that having toxic parents isn't your fault, and you demand to be given dignity and respect. It is also essential to recognise that healing from the consequences of abusive parenting might be an extended and challenging one, and professional assistance may be required. 

In addition to these tactics, learning about the consequences of unhealthy parenting and how it impacts your mental health can be beneficial. This can help you normalise your experience and better understand the game's dynamics. Coping with abusive parents is complicated, but their behaviour can be managed and minimised.

You can start to recover and move on from the consequences of toxic parenting by setting limits, seeking help, practising self-care, and prioritising your well-being.