Want to move in with your boyfriend? Could you do it? Living with your significant other will help you two grow closer. Some other reasons include the following.

couple cuddling

1. helps with the bills. Living together means that you will split the bills. Right now, the cost of living is crazy, so finding love and a way to make the statements less is a win. You get to save the extra money for something else.

2. you spend time together. Spending time together is important if your top love language is quality time. You don't have to travel to meet each other, which can be expensive and time-consuming, and also you don't get to do it every day

3. living together shows commitment. Living with your partner shows that both of you are committed to the relationship and see yourselves in each other's lives in the future.

couple kissing

4. more sex. Yes, you get more sex. Moving in with your partner will spice things up. You don't have to wait until the next time you guys have to meet. Say goodbyes to dry spells.

5. you get to know your partner. When you move in together, you will get to know your partner. People can pretend to be on their best behaviour when you don't see them often, but they cannot hide for long, especially when you spend every hour with them.

6. you get to learn a different language and culture. This act happens when your partner is from a diverse background. They will teach you their language and some traditions from their culture. Being bilingual is better.

7. the food. When you move in with your partner from a different culture, you can try other foods from their culture. It will open your taste buds to new flavours. You will still enjoy the meals even if you guys break up