Breakups can be brutal and draining, but they do happen. There are various reasons why a breakup can happen, from instances of infidelity to be incompatible. Here are some ways you can handle a breakup.

couple fighting

1. give yourself some space or all the space you need. It would be best if you cleared your mind. You can do this by cutting off all communications with your partner. Doing this will allow you to access your feelings. Keeping in contact with your ex could affect your judgment. block them and focus on yourself.

2. keep yourself busy. Keeping yourself busy will keep you from thinking about the breakup. Get out, go on vacation, and have coffee. Keep yourself busy by doing something engaging. 

3. be with family and friends. A good support system is crucial when someone is going through a hard time. Family helps us feel safe and can be good people to give advice. We are open with our families and friends and can talk about anything. Letting it all out helps us offload the breakup burden.


4. find a therapist. Talking to a therapist will help greatly. Talking to family and friends is fine, but sometimes they cannot help professionally. A therapist can help one overcome a breakup by addressing the real reason.

5. try dating yourself. Yes, it is important to date yourself. Take yourself out to the movies, have lunch, and go on vacations. This act will show you how you want them to treat you. Set a high standard for yourself so that future potential dates will learn from that.

There are five stages of breakups and getting over breakups. They include denial, you denying that the relationship has ended. Then anger comes in, depending on how the relationship ended—bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance.