He has popped the question, and you have said yes and are planning a future together. There are topics you must discuss intensely to know how you will function with each other. Here are those topics.


1.finances.money is significant in any relationship, and many marriages divorce because of financial reasons. You have to talk about how you will share the bills or who will pay more for certain things. Most men are sole providers, while others prefer to split half. Pick an option that works for you. 

2.children.don't just assume that your partner wants kids. Some people have decided to be child-free, so they need to be with someone with the same mindset. Also, discuss the number of kids you both want. Some people wish for small families, while others want large families. The timing of the kids is also essential. One person might wish to have kids immediately, while another might want to wait for a while.

3. religion. Religion is vital to some people as it affects their daily lives and how they want to raise their children. Some people don't care about religion; therefore, they don't want their kids to grow up knowing any religion.

Kenyan couple

4. cleanliness. This step is significant. Some people are neat freaks and want everything to be spotless and organized. Make sure you also discuss the chores around the house. Who does what, and when will they do it? Some couples prefer to order takeouts, while some prefer home-cooked meals.

5. debts and bank accounts. You have to know the current financial status of your partner and what kind of debt you are coming into the relationship. this is because your partner's debts become yours. Discuss the type of accounts you want.