Are you the type of person who quickly becomes attached to others and is terrified of being alone for unknown reasons? Worry no longer because here are some explanations for why you are the way you are.


1. you haven't dealt with many issues from your past and childhood. You have a fear of letting people go or the fear that they will leave you at any time without any explanation. Maybe your parents were not there a lot. You have to realize that you are an adult who is independent and responsible for your actions.

2. you let other people determine your happiness. When you allow other people to control your satisfaction, you depend on them to make you happy. When they leave, you are devastated. Learn to create your the source of your joy so that you still have your sanity and happiness when they go. Learn to be happy with yourself. Make your little world comfortable for you.

couple kissing

3. you are making dating decisions based on your feelings rather than logic. You react angrily over a minor argument or seek validation somewhere else when you guys are fighting. This act could be in the form of seeking attention from someone else to make your partner jealous. Learn to talk over issues instead of looking for a way out.

4. you are afraid of being single. You think you will not be happy alone, so you always seek someone to make you feel like you are not alone. You keep moving from relationship to relationship. You have to know that it is okay to be alone. Learn to love being on your own. When you are comfortable with being alone, you will not be scared. Take yourself on dates